Thursday, September 13, 2012

Looking Searching Need to know all about ChemTrails?

Looking Searching Need to know all about ChemTrails? You have found a resource here at ChemTrailsMN blogger blog-spot. You will find links to genuine unique real videos that will show you Real ChemTrails in full color, some are in HD HQ format! Curious and wondering people are welcome, all questions are good questions, trolls and rude debunkers are not invited! Just what are ChemTrails? Why What Where When and How do they get in the sky?  These are the questions that we will attempt to answer. I have uploaded many videos to my youtube channel with the channel name ChemTrailsMN and everyone is welcome to view them. These are real videos and here is my favorite one:
the name of it is:  ChemTrail AirCraft UP CLOSE Spraying! Thick Heavy ChemTrails Video From Another Plane! I encourage everyone that wants to see a Genuine aircraft spraying Chemical Trails in close up range to go to that link and watch the video movie! You may be stunned and shocked to see the thick and heavy chem crap that's coming out of that airplane! GeoEngineering or Geo-Engineering is real folks, just look up!
Everyone is so busy with normal live these days and trying to earn a living and have a little fun, But no one looks up any more while this crap is getting sprayed above their heads!  What is up eventually comes down into your lungs, on your skin in your water and soil and in your food! Wake up people and get involved!  there is a Legal litigation movement that's gathering spped and steam, I encourage every and especially those of you that have the means to go to this site and check it out:
Chemtrail Geoengineering Lawsuit III ~Global Action Network~
What makes us different?  Action is what makes us different!  Let's do this! 
all for now- signing off--ChemTrailsMN--


  1. Chemtrail or chemtrails are everywhere!

  2. New Documentary just out " Why in the World ARE they Spraying?"
    I suggest everyone interested in ChemTrails watch that! Its free on YouTube just search for it!

  3. New Video on ChemTrails out soon " The Great Culling" check it out!


    Anyone thats interested in ChemTrails from normal aircraft should read this--

    Chemtrails. The Realities of Geoengineering and Weather Modification
    By Prof. James F. Tracy
